  • Vandoren trske za Bb klarinet V21  br.2,5

Vandoren trske za Bb klarinet V21 br.2,5

Šifra artikla: VAN-CR 8025
Jedinica mjere: Kom
Dostupnost artikla:   Artikl je dostupan
Cijena: 32,85 €
Redovna cijena: 36,50 €   (Ušteda: 3,65 € - 10%)

Opis artikla

V21 Clarinet Reeds
The V21 reed combines the conical shape of a 56 rue lepic reed with a V.12 profile.

This unique combination makes all registers of the clarinet more accessible with warmth and a depth of sound. It will allow you to play with amazing presence and immediate response.
V21 is the perfect reed for performances that require the ability to handle large interval leaps efficiently with an even and rich tone.

Strengths available : 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 - 3,5+ - 4 - 4,5 - 5

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